Jul 7, 2009

Greetings in Arabic

The following video was produced by various members of the 2009 NOVA Startalk Arabic and Chinese Technology workshop on July 7, 2009. In the video you'll see and hear various ways to offer greetings from various parts of the Arab World.

Jul 5, 2009

Arabic 101

In this episode of my podcast, you will learn ways how to greet people and also how to introduce yourself.
Click here to listen to My Arabic 101 Podcast.

Click here to see My Mashup #1 - فيديو العنب
Click here to see My Mashup #2 - اهلآ وسهلآ
Click here to see My Mashup # 3 - موجز الأنباء-الجزيرة
Click here to see a set of My Flash Cards I have created with Flashcards Exchange. Click on the Study tab to see what I as able to make without paying a membership fee.

Jul 4, 2009

العرب والغرب

اقرء القطعة بصوت عالي مرتن ثم سجل صوتك باستعمال ال
Audio Dropbox

الكاريكاتيرابو محجوب

الرجاء زيارت الموقع التالي لابي محجوب الكاريكاتير


اقرء الكاريكاتير ثم علق عليه او رد على احد التعليقات

Jul 2, 2009

Google Group: NOVA Startalk Arabic

سلام ومرحبآ بكم جميعآ في نوفا ستار تاك العربي
Salaam and Marhaba:

I have created a Google Group for the NOVA Startalk Arabic teachers, for us to stay in touch. Here is the URL for the homepage and the group e-mail address.

Homepage: http://groups.google.com/group/novastartalkarabic
Group e-mail: novastartalkarabic@googlegroups.com

This is a forum that only invited Arabic teachers can access and post messages to the group. The purpose is to share ideas, information, and ask questions about classes, technology, and more. I hope this way we can stay connected ان شاء الله.

Your humble technology servant,
Mohamed Esa