Jun 23, 2010

Blogs from 2010

Blog by Eva Phillip
Blog by Azza Abou-Bakr
Muki's Blog

My VoiceThread

Please visit my VoiceThread and comment on it.  It is  map of the Arab World. Please tell us in Arabic where you are from or where you would like to travel and when. The URl is: http://voicethread.com/share/547423/

Jun 20, 2010

سلام واهلا وسهلا Hello and Welcome

Welcome to the 2010 NOVA Startalk summer seminar "Powering Up Your Language Courses with Technology." This is a technology-enhanced professional development course for teachers of less commonly taught language that is funded by STARTALK. It will take place June 21-25 and July 6-9 at the Arlington Center of Northern Virginia Community College. Click here  [http://novastartalk.nvcc.edu/] to access the online version of NOVASTARTALK.

This Blog is designed for the Arabic teachers of this 2-week seminar. It will be updated in the next few days. 

Startalk Video Collection

Click here  [http://www2.mcdaniel.edu/german/startalk-arabic/startalk-videocollection.pdf] to access the activity sheets for "Using the STARTALK Classroom Video Collection to discuss the National Standards for Foreign Language Learning"