Jul 8, 2011

Foreign Language Organizations in USA

  • GWATFL (Greater Washington Association of Teachers of Foreign Languages)
  • MFLA (Maryland Foreign Language Association)
  • VLAFA (Virginia Foreign Language Association)
  • NECTFL (Northeast Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages)
  • ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages)

Jul 3, 2011

Glogster Tutorial

Using Glogster - Examples

Here are ideas for various Glogs.
  1. You can create a Glog about an Arab country (country profile) with statistics, a map, the flag, the national anthem, a short video on the country, history, etc.  
  2. Create a Glog about a famous peronality from the Arab World (poet, politician, musician, dancer, etc.) incorporting important information about him/her, an image, what he/she has done and samples of their works (text, video, audio, images)
  3. Create a timeline of the history of a certain country or nation.
  4. Create an invitation to  for a party: When, where, who is coming, what will you offer to eat and drink, how to rsvp, etc. Add music, images, and more.
  5. Create a Glog using an image of the Nile in Egypt and Sudan and marking important tourist attractions with important dates...
  6. Create a Glog on the geography of the Middle East.
Here are samples of  finished products:

Photopeach - Tutorial and Example

Here is a Tutorial for PhotoPeach:

Here is a quiz on Petra, Jordan created with PhotopPeach:

Edmodo Tutorial

Study Blue Tutorial


Mind Map - Mind42.com

Here is an example I have created about فصول السنة (Seasons)

Jun 26, 2011

خسوف القمر

الرجاء مشاهدت الافلام من قنات العربيه عن خسوف القمر وتحضير خطة للتدريس التطبيقي تستعمل بها الفيديو الاول او الفيديو الثاني. الرجاء استعمال نموذج  خطة التدريس في موقع النت التالي:  نموذج  خطةالتدريس باللغة العربية . [http://www2.mcdaniel.edu/german/startalk-arabic/Arabic-Lesson-Plan-Template.pdf]

Jun 22, 2011

Great Arabic Websites

Click on the link to see many  Wonderful Arabic Websites with many links and materials. 

Here are some other websites related to Arabic
Some examples arranged in alpha order:
MERLOT Arabic STARTALK Arabic Sample

Jun 21, 2011

Greetings in Hindi - DotSub Video

Startalk 2011 - DotSub Videos

Here are a few videos created by the 2011 participants of NOVA Startalk