Jul 11, 2013

Jul 8, 2013

My First Voki

Kanny's Vocaroo

Audio and voice recording >>

Please use Vocaroo (www.vocaroo.com) and record yourself answ3ering the following question:

What is an engaging technology program  for language learning?

E-mail your answer to: mesa@mcdaniel.edu

Jul 3, 2013

Describing an Image Using Voicethread

Please click on the Voicethread image below or visit my Voicethread site at: https://voicethread.com/share/4670692/  and do the task below:
"Look at the image in front of you and describe what you see in the target language. You may want to write down a few ideas. However, you should speak freely and not read your notes. Speak loudly and clearly. Listen to your recording before you save it.
  • Describe the various objects you see in the picture and where are they located?
  • What kind of a person is that? 
  • What is he doing?
  • Where is he sitting/ sleeping/ ...?
  • Is he poor or rich? Why? How do you know that?
  • Give the image a title. Explain your title!

Jun 30, 2013

Voxopop - Examples

Here are a few examples of ideas for how to use Voxopop (http://www.voxopop.com):

Jun 27, 2013



To create your own Avitar and send a message to a friend using Voki you must register for the program on-line at www.voki.com

Jun 26, 2013

Seven Project Ideas

Idea 1: Create a multimedia presentation using Prezi or Photopeach in which you compare the education or political system in Egypt (or any other Arab Country) and compare it with the education system in the USA.
Level: Intermediate high
Targeted Standards:
  • 1.3: Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.
  • 2.2: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the products and perspectives of the various culture of the Arab World.
  • 3.1: Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through Arabic.
  • 4.2: Students demonstrate understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures of the Arab world and their own.
In order for you to do this, you need to:
  1. learn how to use Prezi and/ or Photopeach.
  2. In addition, and this is far more important and it requires more work: You need to collect the material needed to create the Prezi or Photopeach. You need images and other information about your project.
  3. Find Youtube videos about your topic
Idea 2: Create an invitation (poster) to a Eid/ Birthday or any other party using Glogster. On your Glog you must use images, text and a map. Say where (with a google map of the place) and when the party will be, who is coming, what should people bring with them and what they will be expecting at the party (music, food, drinks, etc.) Post the invitation on your blog or send it via e-mail.
Targeted Standards:
  • 1.1: Students engage in conversations and correspondence in Arabic to provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.
  • 1.3: Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.
  • 2.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the various culture of the Arab World (Focus on practices such as traditions, norms, beliefs and societal structure).
  • 4.2: Students demonstrate understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures of the Arab world and their own.
Idea 3: Use Photopeach and create a quiz on a unit you have just finished teaching, for example on greetings, body parts or on any grammatical topic (e.g. verb conjugations or plural).

Idea 4: Use Photopeach and create a quiz on the Arab world: names of countries, capitals, rivers, mountains, populations, personalities, etc. 

Idea 5: Use Mind42.com to create a mind map in Arabic on any of the following topics: the seasons, body parts, Arab writers, holidays, clothing, family members, … Your mind map must include images, text and also audio or video from the Internet.

Idea 6: Create your own virtual restaurant by either using Glogster or a Blog. Make sure that everything is in Arabic: Address, the opening and closing times, telephone number, and most importantly a menu (using Glogster) with ingredients for each meal. Add images for each menu item (food and drinks).

Idea 7: Create a virtual trip to the Arab World, e.g. from Casablanca in Morocco to Cairo in Egypt or from Aqaba in Jordan to Halab in Syria to Al Basra in Iraq, … Use maps, images of tourist sites, currency needed, and create a route using either Google Earth or google maps. Add also some sound files (popular music from each country). You may use Woices, Glogster, Blog, Voice Thread, or all three.

Jun 25, 2013

Standard 3: Connections - المعيارالثالث: الربط

Here are a few website for the third standard: Connection

May 29, 2013

Describing an image using Voxopop or Vocaroo

Please visit our Voxopop Talkgroup at http://www.voxopop.com/group/a5ab31fc-b685-4c5e-90ec-0a16d3f0086c or go to www.vocaroo.com and do the following task:
Look at the image below and describe what you see in the target language. You may want to write down a few ideas. However, you should speak freely and not read your notes. Speak loud and clear. Listen to your recording before you submit or save it. Make sure to save it (when using Voxopop) or save and send it (when using Vocarroo) to me via e-mail to mesa@mcdaniel.edu
  • Describe the various objects you see in the picture and where are they located?
  • What kind of a person is that? 
  • What is he doing?
  • Where is he sitting/ sleeping/ ...?
  • Is he poor or rich? Why? How do you know that?
  • Give the image a title. Explain your title!
For example: “In the middle of the picture I see an old man in a bed. Above him there is an umbrella hanging down from the ceiling. Perhaps the roof is leaking …”

Culturally Appropriate and Inappropriate Behavior

Please visit our Voxopop Talkgroup at http://www.voxopop.com/group/e821a108-2977-40b3-8828-974358123bc7 or go to www.vocaroo.com and do the following task:

Please think of situations or behaviors that are culturally appropriate and inappropriate (in the target culture). Describe briefly two of these situations (one appropriate and one inappropriate) in the target language using Voxopop or Vocaroo. You may want to write down a few ideas. However, you should speak freely and not read your notes. Speak loud and clear. Listen to your recording before you submit or save it. Make sure to save it (when Voxopop) or save and send it (when using Vocarroo) to me via e-mail to mesa@mcdaniel.edu

Apr 18, 2013

Digital Tools and Language Learning


Please click on this link here
and the listen to the task.
[Please use Vocaroo (http://www.vocaroo.com) and tell me in your own language what you have done yesterday evening. Please use at least 5 verbs in the past tense. Where and when did you go? With whom? What did you do (see, eat, drink, ...)?]

iPads and Audio-Visual Resources

For those of you who have iPads, please have a look at the following wonderful sites:
Please bring your iPads and iPod Touch with you tomorrow. I have a few great Arabic Apps to share with all of you. For your various projects this week, you will need to collect images, audio and video files. Here are a few places that will help:

I. Images

II. Videos

III. Audio Files

iPad Apps and Language Learning